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Partnership Registration including GST and Udyam Registration.


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Partnership Firm Registration

A partnership firm is a preferred choice for many entrepreneurs due to its simplicity and flexibility. It allows multiple individuals to pool their resources, skills, and expertise to run a business. Registering your partnership firm is the initial step in legitimizing your partnership and ensuring its legal recognition. At bmcsindia, we recognize that navigating the complexities of partnership firm registration can be a daunting task. That's why we offer a comprehensive and hassle-free partnership firm registration service tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're a new startup or an existing unregistered partnership seeking to formalize your business, our team of experienced professionals will assist you through every stage of the registration process. Contact us now to discover more and commence your journey towards partnership firm registration.

Partnership Firms

A partnership is a foundational business structure where two or more individuals come together to create a business venture, sharing profits based on an agreed-upon ratio. This business format spans across a wide range of industries, occupations, and professions. One significant advantage of partnership firms is their comparatively lower regulatory requirements in comparison to companies.

Law Governing the Partnership Firms Registration

In India, the functioning of partnership firms is regulated by the Indian Partnership Act of 1932. Individuals who come together to establish a partnership firm are known as partners, and the formation of the partnership firm is founded on a contractual agreement among these individuals. This agreement among partners is commonly referred to as a "Partnership Deed"

Partnership Deed

A partnership deed is a crucial legal document that delineates the terms and conditions of a partnership. It encompasses vital details such as the rights and responsibilities of each partner, profit-sharing arrangements, individual capital contributions, and the anticipated duration of the partnership. This document holds significant importance as it acts as a preventive measure against misunderstandings and conflicts among partners by establishing clear definitions of their roles and obligations. Furthermore, the partnership deed serves as concrete evidence of the partnership's existence and can be invoked in legal proceedings to resolve disputes and conflicts.

Partnership Firm Registration

Partnership registration entails the official registration of a partnership firm by its partners with the Registrar of Firms, typically in the state where the firm is located. It's essential to understand that partnership firm registration is not compulsory; it's a voluntary process. Partners have the option to apply for registration either when establishing the firm or at a later stage during its ongoing operations. To initiate the partnership registration process, a minimum of two individuals must join as partners, agree on a firm name, and draft a partnership deed.

Who Can Be a Partner in India's Partnership Firms?

To become a partner in an Indian partnership firm, you need to meet these conditions:

Advantages of a Partnership Firm

The advantages of a Partnership Firm include:

Disadvantages of a Partnership Firm

The disadvantages of a Partnership Firm include:

Selecting a partnership firm structure should be a deliberate decision that takes into account the advantages and disadvantages, considering your unique business objectives and circumstances. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons to determine if a partnership is the right fit for your specific needs and future aspirations.

Importance of Registering a Partnership Firm

Although registering a partnership firm is not a legal requirement under the Indian Partnership Act, there are compelling reasons to consider it, making it advisable:

Legal Standing

A registered partnership firm enjoys legal recognition, which empowers partners to enforce their contractual rights against both other partners and the firm itself. In contrast, unregistered partnership firms may encounter restrictions when attempting to take legal action.

Suing Third Parties

A registered partnership firm has the legal capacity to initiate legal action against third parties to uphold its contractual rights, affording it legal protection that unregistered firms do not possess. Unregistered firms, on the other hand, lack the authority to initiate legal proceedings against external parties.

Claiming Set-Off

Registered firms have the advantage of being able to claim set-off and utilize other legal remedies to enforce their contractual rights. In contrast, unregistered firms do not enjoy this legal advantage when facing legal proceedings initiated against them.

Procedure for Partnership Firm Registration

The procedure for registering a Partnership is explained in detail below:

Obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

To facilitate online document signing, it's essential for all partners in a partnership firm to obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). This electronic signature can be acquired from a certified agency.

Obtain a Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN)

Once the Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are secured, partners must proceed to apply for a unique Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN). This identification number is mandatory for all partners and can be obtained through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website.

Choose a Name for the Partnership Firm

Choose a distinctive name for your partnership firm, making sure it does not closely resemble or match any existing company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Additionally, ensure that the selected name adheres to the legal naming regulations.

Draft the Partnership Deed

Draft a thorough partnership deed that comprehensively outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership. This document should encompass essential details, such as the firm's name, partner names and addresses, the nature of the business, profit-sharing ratio, and the intended duration of the partnership.

Application for Registration

Partners are required to submit an application with the Registrar of Firms, which should include pertinent firm details, partner names and addresses, and the intended
duration of the firm.

Obtain the Certificate of Registration

Upon successful verification by the Registrar of Firms, if the Registrar finds the application in compliance, a Certificate of Registration will be issued. This certificate serves as official confirmation of the partnership firm's registration with the Registrar of Firms.

Apply for PAN and TAN

To fulfill tax-related requirements, it is crucial to apply for a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and a Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) from the Income Tax Department. These numbers play a vital role in various tax-related matters for your partnership firm.

How can bmcsindia help in Partnership Firm Registration?

We offer comprehensive assistance for Partnership Firm Registration, simplifying the intricate process on your behalf. Our experienced team provides expert guidance, aids in document preparation, assists in selecting an appropriate name, and ensures full legal compliance. We take charge of submitting your application to the relevant authorities and keep you informed with timely updates. Whether you're establishing a new partnership or formalizing an existing one, our services are tailored to meet your unique needs. Our commitment extends beyond registration; we continue to support you post-registration, helping you understand the ongoing responsibilities of operating a registered partnership firm. With bmcsindia, you can confidently navigate the registration process, knowing that your partnership is established efficiently, enabling you to focus on the growth of your business. Our cost-effective solutions make the entire process hassle-free and affordable. Contact us today to take the first step towards a successful partnership.

Your success is our utmost priority!

Proprietorship vs Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) vs Company

DefinitionUnregistered type of business entity managed by one single personA formal agreement between two or more parties to manage and operate a businessA Limited Liability Partnership is a hybrid combination having features similar to a partnership firm and liabilities similar to a company.Registered type of entity with limited liability to the owners and shareholders
OwnershipSole Ownership

Min 2 Partners

Max 50 Partners

Designated Partners

Min 2 Directors

Min 2 Shareholders

Max 15 Directors

Max 200 Shareholders

For One Person Company

1 Director

1 Nominee Director

Registration Time7-9 working days
Promoter LiabilityUnlimited LiabilityLimited Liability


GST Registration

Partnership Deed

LLP Deed

Incorporation Certificate



Incorporation Certificate

GovernanceUnder Partnership ActLLP Act, 2008Under Companies Act,2013
TransferabilityNon TransferableTransferable if registered under ROFTransferable
Compliance RequirementsIncome tax filing if turnover is more than Rs.2.5 lakhsITR 5

Form 11

Form 8



MCA filing


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Frequently Asked Questions

BMCS India offers comprehensive business consultancy services, including strategy development, market research and analysis, financial advisory, operational optimization, and organizational transformation. We provide customized solutions to help businesses address challenges and achieve their growth objectives.

BMCS is the top most business management consultant all around the world. Our team of experienced consultants leverages industry knowledge, market insights, and proven methodologies to provide tailored solutions that align with your business goals. Whether you need assistance with market entry, strategic planning, process optimization, or talent management, we collaborate closely with you to understand your unique needs

BMCS India has expertise across various industries, including but not limited to technology, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, finance, and hospitality. Our consultants have worked with diverse clients, enabling us to understand industry-specific challenges and devise strategies that meet your sector's requirements.

To engage our services, you can reach out to us through our contact form, email, or phone. Our team will schedule an initial consultation to discuss your business objectives, challenges, and requirements. Following this consultation, we will provide a tailored proposal outlining the scope of work, deliverables, timeline, and pricing for your approval.

Absolutely! We work with businesses of all sizes, ranging from startups and small enterprises to multinational corporations. Our services are flexible and customizable to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the level of support required to achieve your business objectives, irrespective of your company's size.

At BMCS India, we understand the importance of client confidentiality. We adhere to strict data protection protocols and maintain the highest level of confidentiality. Our consultants sign non-disclosure agreements, and we have robust internal systems in place to safeguard client information. Rest assured, your sensitive data is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

Yes, we can help your business expand internationally. Our team has experience and expertise in supporting companies with market entry strategies, feasibility studies, partner identification, and localization strategies in various global markets. We leverage our network of international partners to provide you with valuable insights and guidance throughout the expansion process.

To get started with BMCS India, simply reach out to us through our contact information on our website. We will be glad to schedule an initial consultation to understand your business requirements and discuss how our services can benefit you. From there, we will work together to develop a tailored plan to drive your business success.