
What challenge(s) do our clients face?

The ever-evolving business environment, coupled with changing employee and customer needs, means that companies must adapt and learn to keep up with expectations. Be fresh, creative, efficient, flexible and balanced on purpose.

Culture underpins decision-making in an organization and drives professionals to make decisions and make decisions based on shared beliefs, values, and expectations. The organizational cultural shape must follow and support the strategy, otherwise there is a significant risk of not meeting the business objectives.

In today's rapidly changing business world with new technologies and innovations, companies must constantly adapt to stay ahead and protect business. The way things were done in the past is no guarantee for the future.
In addition to product or service innovation, cultural change is necessary for survival.

It is also necessary to maintain integrity, retain and attract talent. Professionals are now looking for more than just financial security. Especially in the new generation, employees want to know whether they identify with their employer and whether their goals are compatible. The same goes for consumers; they often try to buy from companies that represent their interests. Organizations must have a strong cultural shape and clearly communicate their values ​​and beliefs to attract customers and senior employees.

The importance of culture also emerges in the context of mergers and acquisitions. Leaders say one of the main reasons businesses lag behind their goals is to neglect leadership. Culture is an important aspect of M&A success and must be evaluated from the earliest stages of negotiation and understood in the specific context of the business.


How do we help?

We help you define and implement transformational leadership strategies that support your business strategy by turning abstract ideas into actionable strategic plans.

We believe in "critical culture", not a culture. Our approach helps you define what culture is needed to support your company's strategy and environment, and concludes with strategic action plans to drive change.

Through an interactive process that takes into account the views of all stakeholders, we offer:

  • A clear understanding of the causes of cultural change and appropriate cultural practices

  • Identification of existing cultural differences and an appropriate, clear understanding of "on-to" and their trade-offs

  • Basic Management, leadership and a course of action that includes human resource management

  • A clear vision of leadership model needed to guide the movement, creating reform and personal development plans compared to today For managers, Change process Our ID One ® process

  • Change planning and practices, including communication, collaboration, and training.

What are the benefits?

  • Aligning culture with business strategy enhances the ability to achieve business goals

  • Minimize the influence of culture on business goals
  • Create good behaviour with appropriate culture of control management and other visible elements (celebration, environment, etc.). and Better Decision Making
  • Improve the brand image of professionals and customers
  • Clarify KPIs to control changes and progress needed to achieve cultural change.
  • Leaders defined their roles, responsibilities and areas for improvement.

How does it work?

Our methodology offers a seamless connection between strategy, culture and people and is based on 5 main pillars.

Although we have a very robust and structured methodology, as each organization is unique, we always make it flexible to your specific reality. Regardless, we make sure that culture is translated in a very concrete way from paper into practice, considering a wide range of aspects – from managerial processes, to communication channels and leadership models.



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BMCS India
BMCS India

Dhruv Patel is an engagement manager at BMCS and has been working since 2019 in the Argentinean office in the Supply Chain Practice.

Dhruv Patel

BMCS India

Aarush Gandhi is a Manager at BMCSwith significant experience in Supply Chain and Implementation having worked across both of BMCS practices.

Aarush Gandhi

BMCS India

Nikhil Singh is a Director at BMCS and has been working since July 2011 in the practice of Marketing & Sales. Prior to BMCS, Jonathan was an Analyst

Nikhil Singh

BMCS India

Keshav is a Manager in the Marketing & Sales practice. Originally from Columbia, Luis is an entrepreneur at heart, and has worked in several start-ups in Colombia, receiving his MBA

Keshav Sinha

BMCS India

Chaitanya Varma is a Financial Controller at BMCS and has been part of the Finance area since January 2011. Her experience includes financial analysis.

Chaitanya Varma

BMCS India

Rishi Sinha is a Specialist on Supply Chain Strategy at BMCS, working since 2010 at the firm. He has over 20 years of experience in Supply Chain collaborating with companies

Rishi Sinha

BMCS India

Knish is a Managing Partner and has overseen the Mexico City office since 2008. Prior to BMCS, Gerard accumulated 25 years of experience in executive positions at L’Oréal

Knish Raj

BMCS India

Rajbir is a senior manager I within the Implementation practice at BMCS, and has been part of the team since July 2011. His experience includes leading transformational projects.

Rajbir Kapoor