

Evaluate the entire employee journey from initial consultation to contract completion, deliver experiences that increase satisfaction, comply with corporate culture regulations, strengthen leadership in human resource management, and demonstrate the impact of HR processes.

What challenge(s) do our clients face?

Attracting and retaining professionals who follow the culture of the organization and therefore can meet the business strategy is a challenge faced by almost every business.

In an uncertain and volatile world, BMCS India having professionals who understand and follow the company culture is a real value for the company. Without it, it can be very difficult to implement a business strategy. In addition, the next generation's relationship to work has changed: the need for purpose and high expectations for experience and the environment make it difficult to attract and retain talent.

To solve this problem, organizations must be prepared to provide the same to their employees. Therefore, organizations and employees often need support to resolve the following issues:

For the organization:

  • Every contact between people in a company is a real and tangible change of company culture and philosophy. It's hard to control and keep it consistent.

  • Due to the diversity and diversity of work in your organization, you need to understand your employees' beliefs, fears, and expectations when it comes to relationships in the workplace.

  • These experiences directly affect the employer's brand and how future employees perceive the organization in the market.

  • The role of the leader in human resource management has changed; leaders are expected to lead the team, deliver the culture talk, and share business needs based on common goals.

  • It is difficult for HR to understand all these facts and to provide the same experience to all employees in a way that supports the company culture. It requires openness, an external perspective, and harmony in people's administrative and cultural processes.

    For the employees:

    Working is an important way for people to live a fulfilling life. In this way, their experience in the organization will directly affect their willingness to work. Some examples of the effects of these experiences are:

  • People may develop conflict because they are in conflict with support. speed Leave a job due to expectations

  • People may decide not to join the company due to bad hiring practices

  • People may decide not to stay with the company after a bad entry

  • People may leave the company if the payment policy is not clear

How do we help?

Integration evaluates the employee journey from first contact until contract end, ensuring engagement and a positive experience at each step of the journey.


Integration has a unique approach reaching this :

  • We use an end to end methodology: using the HR Index®, we are able to establish a strong foundation and clear need for change.
  • We focus on people: We will deep dive on the employees’ expectations, needs and the way they communicate.
  • We understand and value the connection between culture and strategy as it is not only about having the best in class processes. We only provide tailor made solutions, adapted to the client’s reality and needs. For example, if the company values meritocracy, we can help to make it tangible in processes such as remuneration, professional development and retention.
  • We create the solutions together because for them to be feasible they must be developed with a multifunctional team, gathering inputs from different areas and seniorities
  • We strengthen your leadership during the process because when redesigning and implementing we will always provoke leaders to understand their impact on people management so that it is not only seen as an HR role
  • We have deep knowledge of HR and professionals with transformation experience who have lived this reality with our clients

What are the benefits?

  • Deeper connection between HR processes and the employee culture:

    through a clear understanding of how each process will translate the organizational culture whilst considering and respecting individual realities

  • Deeper understanding of the needs of the workforce:

    with a map of the possible mismatches between each group of professionals’ demands and what the company offers at each step of the journey

  • Stronger connection between HR processes and strategy:

    by working closely with internal clients and leadership to ensure that the results will support your organization’s reality

  • Boosted HR perception:

    by giving the area a clear vision of how to be differentiated in the market

  • Higher employee satisfaction:

    by building up thought development capabilities, training and engagement during the redesign and the implementation.

  • Wider approach towards people management:

    by assessing the end-to-end value chain and adapting suppliers and partners to reach the required service level for clients

How does it work?

Our methodology gives you the tangible step by step plan you need to adjust your employee journey in a way that tailored specifically for your business’s strategy and needs.


The first step is to understand your reality; Before analyzing HR, we will have a deep understanding of your culture, business strategy, needs and people in the organization.

Workforce Analysis Check your current reality, analyze everyday interactions from person-to-person encounters to digital devices, policies and practices.

  • We will take the time to listen to each team member and understand their work, stress and communication.
  • Results may vary significantly between groups or locations.
  • We will analyse the culture that turns company culture into action
  • We will evaluate the development of company leaders  are they ready to meet the needs of traveling workers?
  • We will also do a comparative model with other companies to understand what skills are required in the market
    According to the end product, we will prepare to develop opportunities and create a vision for success:
  • We will prepare the roadmap that fits your needs and real
  • We will share areas where leadership needs to be strengthened
  • We will follow shared values ​​and goals Gender does not matter in the vision while providing the vision
  • We will address your communication needs by taking into account your behavior and available equipment.


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BMCS India
BMCS India

Dhruv Patel is an engagement manager at BMCS and has been working since 2019 in the Argentinean office in the Supply Chain Practice.

Dhruv Patel

BMCS India

Aarush Gandhi is a Manager at BMCSwith significant experience in Supply Chain and Implementation having worked across both of BMCS practices.

Aarush Gandhi

BMCS India

Nikhil Singh is a Director at BMCS and has been working since July 2011 in the practice of Marketing & Sales. Prior to BMCS, Jonathan was an Analyst

Nikhil Singh

BMCS India

Keshav is a Manager in the Marketing & Sales practice. Originally from Columbia, Luis is an entrepreneur at heart, and has worked in several start-ups in Colombia, receiving his MBA

Keshav Sinha

BMCS India

Chaitanya Varma is a Financial Controller at BMCS and has been part of the Finance area since January 2011. Her experience includes financial analysis.

Chaitanya Varma

BMCS India

Rishi Sinha is a Specialist on Supply Chain Strategy at BMCS, working since 2010 at the firm. He has over 20 years of experience in Supply Chain collaborating with companies

Rishi Sinha

BMCS India

Knish is a Managing Partner and has overseen the Mexico City office since 2008. Prior to BMCS, Gerard accumulated 25 years of experience in executive positions at L’Oréal

Knish Raj

BMCS India

Rajbir is a senior manager I within the Implementation practice at BMCS, and has been part of the team since July 2011. His experience includes leading transformational projects.

Rajbir Kapoor