
What challenge(s) do our clients face?

Human resources occupy a unique and complex place in organizations. It should support the long-term goals of the business while providing short-term benefits.

It should be done in a way that supports all different businesses while maintaining equality. This is the key to creating the most important asset a business has: its employees.

HR with heavy responsibility should be strong, organized and individual.

But it also needs to be continually adapted to changing needs, from business models to technology, philosophy and culture.

As the business grows, human resources must meet many needs:

  • To be closer to the business and better speak “their language”

  • To respect the individuality of employees

  • To leverage internal professional capabilities rather than looking outside

  • To bring a more human-centric rather than HR process-oriented approach

  • To increase and automate services provided for internal clients

  • To be a driving force when it comes to culture and how it connects to the company’s branding

  • To understand the business and define a long-term vision alongside short-term priorities for its people

  • To define an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that is clearly communicated to internal clients and generates the desired external perceptions

  • To operate as an area with the most efficient model possible

  • To encourage professionals to evolve, respecting individual needs, team needs and the corporate culture

  • To strengthen professionals’ knowledge and competencies, getting the most out of talent

  • To create a consistent and feasible implementation plan when changes are needed, considering people, the use of technology and new processes, governance and organizational structure

    So, when faced with so many challenges, how can HR be transformed to deliver what the organization needs?

How do we help?

A broad and inclusive approach that combines and balances business needs with people's needs.

We are reviewing your model with a strategic focus in HR Transformation. We recognize that this space must reflect your culture and strategy so that it can deliver value to your employees and encourage them to get involved in the work you need.

We use methods including: <UL

  • Evaluating the HR area, including processes and KPIs, and identifying opportunities for improvement uses our HR Index® - the table below lists HR authors 8 a proprietary tool we use to measure in column

      • The definition of the Employee Value Proposition which generates employer branding guidelines and make the corporate culture tangible for the market (recruitment).
      • An Employee Journey Review that identifies process and the required re-designs
      • The definition of the best operating model for the HR area and identification of the capabilities required for it to be realized
      • The definition of a pragmatic implementation roadmap with critical actions prioritized and an agile governance defined, considering the need to evolve in technology, processes and people in both the short and long-term.

      The HR Transformation methodology encompasses two other services offered by Integration; you can click here to explore our Employee Value Proposition and Employee Journey Review services in more detail.


    What are the benefits?

    • Stronger and more robust HR area with a strategic role to play
    • Solid Employee Value Proposition aligned with company strategy and culture
    • Increased organizational reputation, both internally and externally
    • Boosted engagement of HR professionals with clarity on roles & responsibilities
    • Boosted employee engagement with clarity on career paths and development plans
    • Alignment of HR processes and structure with your business needs and future strategy
    • Agreed clarity and prioritization for how to make the needed improvements and investments
    • Optimized HR KPIs such as recruiting SLA, turnover reduction, retention and internal talent development

    How does it work?

    Employee engagement sits at the heart of the journey towards transforming the HR area.

    As a strategy consultancy we understand complex businesses and how they work. In an HR Transformation project we use this to support the HR area in becoming more strategic and connected to business needs whilst also bringing other business areas closer to HR so that its value is perceived and acknowledged throughout the organization.

    For an HR Transformation to be implemented successfully, we believe that:

    • The solutions must be built together:

      If the business is not close and part of designing the change, it will not generate the impact and gain the priority required inside the organization.

    • We bring a strong external perspective on HR:

      With the HR Index®, our own proprietary tool, we can provide a broad view of your needs which is boosted by comparing against benchmarks from reference companies. This allows your team to learn from best-in-class practices that can then be customized considering current needs. We also bring knowledge of HR technology and how this can support the business and employee development.

    • The transformation must be customized to your reality:

      External knowledge and best in class process design will not be enough to overcome these challenges. The HR assessment encompasses an analysis of how the HR area is aligned to your needs in terms of culture and leadership and evaluates if it is a strategic area for both current and future needs. During this phase, we consider these and other elements that are relevant in the context of your reality, culture and employees and will adjust our approach and way of working for the rest of the project once our understanding of these is complete.

    • We believe in legacy:

      To make the transformation possible, we will firstly define a project governance that guarantees proximity between HR and leadership, brings different perspectives to prioritization discussions and ensures that the transformation works throughout the organization and into the future. Making the transformation last is also supported by the effective revision of the HR organizational structure, roles and responsibilities. Finally, it is important to have proximity to other areas of the business throughout the project in order to guarantee buy-in across the organization.

      In our methodology, we take 5 macro steps that can be adjusted according to the your needs:


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    BMCS India
    BMCS India

    Dhruv Patel is an engagement manager at BMCS and has been working since 2019 in the Argentinean office in the Supply Chain Practice.

    Dhruv Patel

    BMCS India

    Aarush Gandhi is a Manager at BMCSwith significant experience in Supply Chain and Implementation having worked across both of BMCS practices.

    Aarush Gandhi

    BMCS India

    Nikhil Singh is a Director at BMCS and has been working since July 2011 in the practice of Marketing & Sales. Prior to BMCS, Jonathan was an Analyst

    Nikhil Singh

    BMCS India

    Keshav is a Manager in the Marketing & Sales practice. Originally from Columbia, Luis is an entrepreneur at heart, and has worked in several start-ups in Colombia, receiving his MBA

    Keshav Sinha

    BMCS India

    Chaitanya Varma is a Financial Controller at BMCS and has been part of the Finance area since January 2011. Her experience includes financial analysis.

    Chaitanya Varma

    BMCS India

    Rishi Sinha is a Specialist on Supply Chain Strategy at BMCS, working since 2010 at the firm. He has over 20 years of experience in Supply Chain collaborating with companies

    Rishi Sinha

    BMCS India

    Knish is a Managing Partner and has overseen the Mexico City office since 2008. Prior to BMCS, Gerard accumulated 25 years of experience in executive positions at L’Oréal

    Knish Raj

    BMCS India

    Rajbir is a senior manager I within the Implementation practice at BMCS, and has been part of the team since July 2011. His experience includes leading transformational projects.

    Rajbir Kapoor