
What challenge(s) do our clients face?

Each change is unique in terms of complexity and dimension – but people are always at the heart of it

Organizations of every size experience processes of change management very often. These could be any of the below.


Each of these changes may be different in complexity (which may increase, change, or change) and size (which may affect region, business, entire country or the world); but the whole basis of this change is always human.

Changing habits, practices and behavior does not happen naturally or overnight, it is a process that must be done continuously and purposefully. Each change management process must be unique to solve different problems, and organizations must be prepared to work hard to adapt these changes to achieve their strategy or objectives.


How do we help?

In order to drive transformation, we help our clients manage the human aspects, increasing the likelihood of individuals, teams and organizations contributing positively to change.

We support our clients in guiding their staff and stakeholders through a journey and making them champions of the change through a series of targeted actions:

  • Establishing the purpose of change: clarity on the current and future desired state

  • Communication Strategy and Plan considering stakeholders affected

  • Training plan: for leadership and other impacted audiences

  • Evaluation of necessary adjustments in remuneration and benefits and other management systems

  • KPIs and governance to monitor progress and resistance

    Nonetheless, we know that the success of every transformation cannot rely solely on the people. Integration believes that true transformation can only be generated through the connection between Leadership, Planning AND Change Management.

  • LEADERSHIP (WHY): responsible for identifying the need for change and the extent of disruption or evolution. Leaders need to be prepared to drive the change.

  • PLANNING (WHAT): a new ambition demands the right resources and coordinated activities to deliver the results.

  • CHANGE MANAGEMENT (HOW): generating the co-creation movement that connects aspirations to reality, respecting culture and individuals.

    Therefore, in the delivery of our projects, we focus strongly on the HOW element, but we also maintain the connection and ensure the delivery of the other pillars also. Our equation to achieve this connection is respect, cooperation, consistency and ability to adjust to reality.

What are the benefits?

  • Leadership aligned and prepared to drive the movement, with clarity of the status quo, where the company wants to be and the gaps to achieve it.
  • Coherence among the decisions taken during the process considering the change objective, the business strategy and results the company wants to achieve.
  • Increased engagement and buy-in with a common goal, resulting in lower levels of turnover (usually high during large transformations).
  • Development of skills/capabilities within the organization which make professionals more prepared to successfully carry out the change process and also to act in their new roles after the transformation.
  • New ways of working, processes and managements systems aligned with the culture
  • Brand equity/external image of the company maintained through a careful plan for clients, customers, suppliers, partners, investors, and media.

How does it work?

A Step by Step approach – moving to a different stage only when the company is ready to.

Change Management has been present in Integration’s DNA since its foundation. It is part of our mission to ensure organizational transformation and leave a positive heritage with our clients.

No matter whether you work with us on a ‘Change Management’ project or a ‘Strategy’ Project, throughout our work we focus on building recommendations and solutions which are truly implementable. This means listening closely to everyone from leadership to the factory floor, understanding stakeholder conflicts, understanding culture and values, building collaboratively the solutions and communicating with everyone impacted. It is simply our way of doing consulting and all our consultants exhibit these attributes from Day 0 of any project.

Thus, Integration has a very well-rounded experience in Change Management, applying this methodology to projects of different natures and sectors. Our main differential, being a strategy consulting firm, is to always connect the human aspect with the business. Our goal in the end is to achieve the strategic objectives through people.

In Integration’s tried and tested methodology, we always consider 6 aspects:

  1. We start with building an understanding of the need for change and how this transformation connects with the business strategy, as well as how it impacts people.
  2. In the champions preparation, we count on a scientific methodology to develop leaders, the ID One® Human Factor – a science used within Integration since 1998. Besides that, technical and non-technical skills are developed in order to support all the professionals that will drive this transformation (HR area, leaders of workstreams, internal client change leads, etc.).
  3. To ensure consistency along the transformation process, some ways of working must be adapted. We guarantee that culture, informal mechanisms, organizational model, R&Rs, remuneration and incentives are aligned with the new reality of the company.
  4. Considering these changes, new competencies will be probably required. Then it is necessary to have this clarity, as well as map key talents, implement retention plans and ensure training for professionals.
  5. The success of all this transformation is only possible if you keep professionals aligned with a common objective, so they can contribute with the change. It requires a two-way communication, listening to the organization, as well as engagement actions during the process.
  6. It is essential to monitor the results during the transformation and make the necessary adjustments in order to guarantee the results expected.



Over the years, we have had the opportunity to support the transformation of many countries from Brazil to Chile, from Colombia to Mexico, from the USA to Germany, from the UK to Turkey, from Russia to Indonesia.

From a business perspective, this allows us to work in business, finance, chemistry, advertising and entertainment, wholesalers and distributors, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, communications and consumer goods such as food, beverage and health, beauty and personal care. .

Using our methods in these diverse settings gives our experts a deeper understanding of how they can influence change across cultures and contexts.

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BMCS India
BMCS India

Dhruv Patel is an engagement manager at BMCS and has been working since 2019 in the Argentinean office in the Supply Chain Practice.

Dhruv Patel

BMCS India

Aarush Gandhi is a Manager at BMCSwith significant experience in Supply Chain and Implementation having worked across both of BMCS practices.

Aarush Gandhi

BMCS India

Nikhil Singh is a Director at BMCS and has been working since July 2011 in the practice of Marketing & Sales. Prior to BMCS, Jonathan was an Analyst

Nikhil Singh

BMCS India

Keshav is a Manager in the Marketing & Sales practice. Originally from Columbia, Luis is an entrepreneur at heart, and has worked in several start-ups in Colombia, receiving his MBA

Keshav Sinha

BMCS India

Chaitanya Varma is a Financial Controller at BMCS and has been part of the Finance area since January 2011. Her experience includes financial analysis.

Chaitanya Varma

BMCS India

Rishi Sinha is a Specialist on Supply Chain Strategy at BMCS, working since 2010 at the firm. He has over 20 years of experience in Supply Chain collaborating with companies

Rishi Sinha

BMCS India

Knish is a Managing Partner and has overseen the Mexico City office since 2008. Prior to BMCS, Gerard accumulated 25 years of experience in executive positions at L’Oréal

Knish Raj

BMCS India

Rajbir is a senior manager I within the Implementation practice at BMCS, and has been part of the team since July 2011. His experience includes leading transformational projects.

Rajbir Kapoor