
May 16, 2023




15+ Nationalities

BMCS India is an international company operating across 8 offices in Dubai,USA,UK,Europe.
As a consequence of our geographic spread, we welcome professionals from many different nationalities. This creates diverse teams and allows the opportunity to work with colleagues from diverse countries and backgrounds.

Our professionals quickly gain an international perspective that adds real value to client engagements

The world is more connected than it has ever been. Business is becoming ever more global, and our clients require consulting teams that see and understand the complexities of the global business ecosystem. We believe that extensive international experience allows our teams to shape more effective, relevant and impactful recommendations. Working on site with client teams also means that we can generate a closer relationship with our clients. We integrate ourselves fully into the client culture and way of working when we arrive to start a project, and remain with the client until the job is done.


Projects delivered in 75+ countries:

Whilst Big Management is international, so too are our clients! Whilst some are local to the countries of our offices, many are multinationals and so require our help with global projects which take us around the world. We believe that this kind of experience provides immersion in different cultures, bring perspective and value to the way that we think about solving problems for clients.

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